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How to Build Front-End Web Apps that Scale


At a Glance

  • Provide access to a service e.g. the BRJS EventHub
var ServiceRegistry = require( 'br/ServiceRegistry' );
var EventHub = ServiceRegistry.getService( 'br.event-hub' );

More Details

Services are accessed via a ServiceRegistry and are identified by a unique string. For example, a BladeRunnerJS application always has access to an EventHub service (an in-app messaging system). This is accessed via the ServiceRegistry as follows:

var ServiceRegistry = require( 'br/ServiceRegistry' );
var EventHub = ServiceRegistry.getService( 'br.event-hub' );

In the upcoming exercises we'll see how to use some pre-defined ModularApp services.

As before, the real services aren't available yet. So, we'll need to use some fake service implementations to aid development that another team has kindly provided.