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How to Build Front-End Web Apps that Scale

FAQ & Gotchas

New classes/files aren't being picked up

If new files, or changes to files, aren't being picked up try refreshing again or restart the development server.

My Tests aren't being run/discovered by the test runner

  • Test files must end with Test.js e.g. myAwesomeViewModelTest.js
  • Tests within the file must start with test e.g. testTheAmazingThing

I just keep seeing 'Chrome: Reset'

js-test-driver isn't perfect. Sometimes it gets confused. If that happens a full reset is the best bet:

  • Close any browser test runner tabs/windows
  • Stop any executing tests
  • Restart the test-server
  • Open up another test runner tab at http://localhost:4224/capture
  • Run the tests

Error message "Alias data has not been set"

If you are absolutely sure that your aliases.xml is correct you should make sure that you are trying to access services (e.g. ServiceRegistry.getService) from either your object's constructor or a method.